Mental Wellness over the Holidays

Let’s take a moment to talk about Mental Wellness over the Holiday Season.

We all know that this season brings an abundance of emotions - for some, this looks like joy and connectivity, and for others, the experience is sadness, loss and grief, and for most of us, we sit somewhere in the in-between - in a place of managing our own expectations along with societal, community and familial traditions or “pressures”. 

Checking in with yourself, and those that you will be connecting with over this time of year helps to ensure that you’re authentically engaging in the holiday you celebrate with as much ease and peace as possible - noting that you can’t control everything, and that you can control your presence, your actions / reactions and your energy.

In so doing, I encourage you to:

  1. Manage expectations - how many events do you want to host / participate in (overall or per week)?

  2. Let go of the overwhelm - if something caused you stress last year, is it possible to change it up this year - what might that look and feel like for you / for others?

  3. Plan rest - with so much “to do” - when are you going to “not do”? Put those times on the calendar, as they are just as important as the other items on the list.

  4. Share memories - this season can bring forth grief as we tend to feel our losses on a deeper level due to the profound memories we cherish. Rather than avoid or distract from this - try to find a way to celebrate and honour the loss in a way that is meaningful to you.  

  5. Make and stick to a budget - it is very tempting to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of giving. Embrace cost-free gifting - such as the gift of time, an act of kindness, or something homemade.

  6. Connect with the community - if you’re feeling lonely this time of year, there are an abundance of events / gatherings if you venture out and about in your community - be sure to keep an eye out.

  7. Enjoy the moments - take the time to engage and enjoy festive music, books, movies, games, puzzles, and traditional baking / cooking. Items come and go, but the memories made while enjoying time, last a lifetime. 

  8. Get outdoors - fresh and cool air, festive decor and twinkling lights can help refresh our focus.  

There are many more ways to manage your mental wellness, and if you’re feeling unable to shift from a challenging thought and/or unhelpful emotional cycle, I encourage you to reach out for counselling / psychotherapy support. Appointments are available in person in Midland, Ontario and online / virtual throughout Ontario.


Setting Intentions…


Reasons to Reach Out for Counselling / Psychotherapy Support