Setting Intentions…

Setting an intention is deciding to be purposeful and present in our thoughts and actions. It’s an empowering practice that has far reaching implications on our overall mental wellness. 

Intentions are the foundation of goals. Setting an intention is the initiation, the first step to your preferred story - particularly if your intention is solidly aligned with your values, then you have a powerful tool for moving forward and achieving your desires. 

Intentions can be short term, i.e. today, or this week - or life long. 

The relationship between intentions and values allows for accountability and for you to take and remain in control of personal choices, actions and reactions. It keeps you in the drivers seat, instead of a passerby in your own life. 

Windswept Wellness - Psychotherapy/ Counselling and Social Work Services, Midland, Ontario. Mental Wellness Support Inspired by Life on Georgian Bay.

So how, exactly, do you set intentions for the greatest chance at success? Read on.

How to Set Intentions

1. State your intentions.

When you decide what you want, vocalize it or write it down. Doing so may not only feel cathartic, but it can also help to hold you accountable.

2. Be clear.

Whatever your intentions are, the key is being conscious about where you place your attention — that's the only way to think what you want into reality.

3. Make sure your intentions are positive.

Anything can be an intention. An intention simply gives you a focal point to redirect your energy when it's inevitably pushed and pulled in different directions throughout each day. Just make sure that whatever your intention is, it comes from a place of positivity.

4. Keep your intentions simple.

Your intentions ought to be feasible and realistically actionable.

Be specific about what you want, envision it for your future, and feel it deeply. With time, you'll achieve your goals.

5. Shift any limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are convictions you believe to be absolutely true and that have a negative impact on your life by holding you back in some way. (Think: If you truly believe you're scared of heights, you absolutely won't jump off that waterfall.) Meaning, any doubt that you may have is going to be a blocker for achieving what you intend to achieve. Instead, reframe your mindset to match your desire with your beliefs, and watch as your intentions pave the way forward.

Want to learn more about how to set and keep intentions?

Reach out for a psychotherapy / counselling consultation or initial appointment. Sessions are available in person, in Midland, ON, and virtually throughout Ontario.


I have the right to…


Mental Wellness over the Holidays