Reasons to Reach Out for Counselling / Psychotherapy Support

I am often asked:

  1. Why do people reach out for support, and;

  2. How do people know it's time to seek professional help for their mental health concerns?

According to Statistics Canada, on average 1 in 5 people reach out for support throughout their lifetime, at least once, and this number is on the rise (with a reduction in stigma and since the pandemic). Though reaching out can be one of the biggest challenges of the entire process (as we can get stuck in the pre-contemplative stage of change), once people do complete their initial intake and first session, I often hear:

  1. "I wish I did this sooner" and;

  2. "I had no idea mental wellness support could be a part of my general wellness, similar to my physical health check-ups". 

So, let's demystify the reasons to seek out counselling / psychotherapy support.

People reach out when they are experiencing any of the following, and want 'something more' than talking it through with those in their social circle or self-help strategies.

  1. Difficult Life Events:

    1. death of a loved one

    2. employment / role loss

    3. diagnosis of a serious illness

    4. trauma (past or present)

  2. Challenging Thoughts / Feelings:

    1. low mood (depression)

    2. excessive worry (anxiety)

    3. overwhelming stress

    4. low self-esteem

  3. Life Transition Support:

    1. life stages: adjusting from child to teen, teen to adult, adult to senior, retirement

    2. relationship / marriage / family dynamics support

    3. adjustment to new parenting role or ‘empty nesting’

    4. adjusting to caregiver role

  4. Self-Discovery:

    1. values exploration

    2. effective communication strategies

    3. managing chronic pain

    4. managing an addictive pattern (substances or behavioural)

Connecting with a mental health professional provides a safe and supportive environment for unbiased dialogue, a confidential listening ear and the opportunity try evidence-based strategies aimed to help you achieve self-directed goals, better manage your thoughts and feelings and to get ‘unstuck’.

If you've been wondering about the next step on your mental wellness pathway, I highly encourage you to reach out for a free, no obligation consultation, to start working on your best self, holistically.

Appointments are available in person, in Midland, and virtual across Ontario.


Mental Wellness over the Holidays


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