Windswept Wellness offers holistic, individualized, and strength based psychotherapy / counselling support, focused on mental wellness goals created with you, that tap into your resilience.

Experienced working with individuals, couples and families impacted by:

  • Anticipation of a future concern (either real or perceived), leading to avoidance behaviour and challenging thoughts.

  • Persistent feeling of sadness and lack of interest or pleasure in doing previously enjoyable things.

  • A feeling of intense pressure or threat. Feeling unable to manage and out of control.

  • Can be due to the death of a beloved person or a loss of role, responsibility, or relationship. Highly distressing and causes an inability to cope or process overwhelming feelings.

  • A lasting emotional response that often results from living through or witnessing a distressing event or situation.

  • Acquired and traumatic injuries that impact one’s life and the way one navigates through it.

  • Persistent pain that endures in spite of other physical treatments / remedies.

  • A complex process where problematic patterns of substance use or behaviours interfere with every day life.

  • A feeling of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion due to caring for a beloved person.

We use evidence-based treatment modalities, including:

  • Invites you to identify, recognize and challenge unhelpful thinking patterns that lead to unpleasant moods and behaviours, and to adjust thinking patterns to enhance your mood.

  • Similar to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (above), but specifically adapted for those that experience feelings very intensely.

  • Works on identifying emotional awareness and regulation, by learning about your unique value system.

  • The ability to pay attention, on purpose, without judgement of your thoughts in the present moment, and is practiced through meditation.

  • Works through enhancing motivation to change one’s thoughts, mood and behaviours.

  • Psycho-education and emotional support for those that have experienced trauma first-hand or been witness to it, using strategies to identify triggers and adapt to coping mechanisms.

  • Strategy to encourage, support, develop and apply knowledge, skills and abilities to enhance emotional wellness pertaining to life changes.

Psychotherapy Fees:

The fee for each 50 minute psychotherapy / counselling session is $150

Many extended health insurance policies (workplace) cover the cost of psychotherapy / counselling sessions provided by Registered Social Workers and/or Psychotherapists in Ontario. Please contact your provider for more information.

I am registered as a Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Provider for eligible First Nations and Inuit clients.

I am also a registered provider with HCAI/FSRA and am able to process Motor Vehicle Accident claims.